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December 2023

How to Get Rid of and Prevent Pet Fleas and Ticks

Unfortunately at some time in your pet’s life they'll encounter some sort of blood sucking parasite.

Prevention is better than cure, and a whole lot easier. So you must ensure you keep your pet’s flea treatment up to date. Autoship is a good solution for this! Click here to read more about autoship

Symptoms of fleas

Aside from seeing fleas on your pet, a flea symptom is ‘flea dirt’; black dots throughout your pet’s coat.

Flea dirt is excrement and dried blood, left behind by fleas whenever they live and breed on your buddy. Places to check for fleas or flea dirt include in armpits, groin, around the ears, belly and the base of the tail. Test whether your cat has fleas by placing a large piece of damp paper towel beneath them as you brush their coat with a flea comb. As the flea dirt hits the damp paper, a small red blot will appear.

Other flea symptoms include:

  • Scratching
  • Chewing
  • Licking
  • Restlessness
  • Head Shaking

Get rid of fleas by breaking the flea life cycle

Fleas lay hundreds of eggs and can infest a household in a matter of weeks.
While breaking the flea lifecycle can seem like a hard task, following a few simple steps can help you get rid of fleas and keep your pet (and house!) flea free.

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1. Wash your pet’s bedding, and anything else your pet sleeps on, in hot water

Washing your pet’s bedding is essential. Your pet won’t stop scratching for long if they jump in to a flea-riddled bed shortly after being treated! Use hot water if you can (a trip to the laundrette might be in order) for the best chance of killing any flea eggs that might be present. If your pet shares your bed or sleeps on the couch, factor in time to wash these things too.

2. Vacuum carpets frequently

Thoroughly and frequently vacuuming carpets in your home will help draw out fleas and their eggs.

3. Clean any outdoor areas where your pet might hang out

Washing down your pet’s kennel, sweeping their outdoor living areas and cutting the grass in your yard are all great flea prevention methods.

4. Keep your pet’s flea treatments up to date!

Flea control for pet is the most important step in keeping your dog flea-free. All other steps will be less effective if your pet’s flea treatment is not kept up-to-date all year round.

How to prevent and get rid of ticks

If your dog or cat is often outdoors, chances are they'll encounter ticks. Ticks can hide underbrush, in long grass, forest areas and piles of leaves. They also live on or in your pet's ears, eyelids, between their toes and under their armpits or legs pits.

If you find a tick, never remove with your bare hands. Instead use tweezers and grab the tick as close to the head as possible near the skin. Pull gently, and twist it out like a screw.

If you have any feeling that the tick’s head is still in your pet, see a vet immediately.

Act quickly as they can make your dog very sick. Just to be safe, keep the tick’s body for identification. Good luck!

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